Product & Impact Service Fee Schedule

Product & Impact Service Fee Schedule

Product & Impact Service Fee Schedule

UI DAF fees are assessed as an annual administrative fee starting at 0.60% or $500, whichever is greater. Fees are pulled quarterly, in advance, based on the donor’s contribution balance. Administrative fees are tiered according to the balance in the UI DAF.

UI DAF fees are assessed as an annual administrative fee starting at 0.60% or $500, whichever is greater. Fees are pulled quarterly, in advance, based on the donor’s contribution balance. Administrative fees are tiered according to the balance in the UI DAF.

UI DAF fees are assessed as an annual administrative fee starting at 0.60% or $500, whichever is greater. Fees are pulled quarterly, in advance, based on the donor’s contribution balance. Administrative fees are tiered according to the balance in the UI DAF.

Account Minimums

Initial Contribution

Additional Contributions

No Minimum

No Minimum

Grant Minimums

Number of Grants Per Year

Minimum Grant Amount To Standard US Charities
or Listed UI Global Charity Database Organizations

Minimum Grant Amount To Non-US, Non-Listed UI
Global Charity Database Organizations




Annual Administration Fees

Annual Fee - Charged Quarterly

First $500k-0.60% or $500*
(*whichever is greater)

Next $500k- 0.35%

Next $1.5m- 0.20%

Next $2.5m- 0.15%

Next $5m- 0.12%

Next $15m- 0.10%

$30m + - 0.10%

UI Charitable Advisors requires donors to keep at least 1% of their UI DAF’s total AUM
liquid at all times. If a donor fails to meet this requirement, the quarterly fee invoice will
be sent directly to the donor.
UI Charitable Advisors requires donors to keep at least 1% of their UI DAF’s total AUM
liquid at all times. If a donor fails to meet this requirement, the quarterly fee invoice will
be sent directly to the donor.

Complex Asset Contributions

Complex Asset Contributions

Complex Asset Contributions

Donors are able to fund their UI DAF with many types of assets including private business interests and real estate. This is accomplished through a gift or transfer agreement.

Donors are able to fund their UI DAF with many types of assets including private business interests and real estate. This is accomplished through a gift or transfer agreement.

Donors are able to fund their UI DAF with many types of assets including private business interests and real estate. This is accomplished through a gift or transfer agreement.

Complex Asset Donations | One Time Fees

One-time Due Diligence Fee

Expedited Fee (less than 5 Business Days)

Quoted individually based on
complexity (generally $5,000-
$10,000, will not exceed $10,000)


UI Charitable Advisors’ process for all complex asset donations includes the following:
●  Review the governance documents of all involved entities
○  Articles of Incorporation, Operating Agreement, By-Laws, Property Deeds, etc.
○  Recent tax statements to review unforeseen unrelated business income tax
●  Draft gift or transfer agreement
●  Oversee the review and execution of the gift or transfer agreement
●  Oversee and assist in the third-party appraisal process.
○  Make introductions to appraisal partners
○  Serve as point of contact throughout appraisal process
○  Help complete and sign IRS form 8283 (to be filed with donor’s taxes)
●  Review, approve, and execute sale agreements.
UI Charitable Advisors’ process for all complex asset donations includes
the following:
●  Review the governance documents of all involved entities
○  Articles of Incorporation, Operating Agreement, By-Laws, Property Deeds, etc.
○  Recent tax statements to review unforeseen unrelated business income tax
●  Draft gift or transfer agreement
●  Oversee the review and execution of the gift or transfer agreement
●  Oversee and assist in the third-party appraisal process.
○  Make introductions to appraisal partners
○  Serve as point of contact throughout appraisal process
○  Help complete and sign IRS form 8283 (to be filed with donor’s taxes)
●  Review, approve, and execute sale agreements.

Transfer of Private Business Interests

& Real Estate

For gifts of privately held business interests & real estate in excess of $5,000, donors must obtain a third-party
appraisal by a qualified appraiser to substantiate fair market value for the charitable deduction. Appraisals must
be obtained no earlier than 60 days before the date of donation and no later than the due date of the donor’s tax
return (including extensions) for the year of the gift. The cost of the appraisal cannot be paid by the DAF. NOTE:
Donations of S-Corporation stock are subject to a 21% unrelated business income tax (UBIT) on the dollar amount
received from the sale. Such donations are accepted to the UI Charitable Trust, then once the business sells, the
funds are transferred to the individual’s donor-advised fund. By doing this, UBIT can be reduced by up to 30%.
However, UI will hold the full 21% tax in the trust until UBIT is paid, at which point the remaining funds will be
transferred to the individual’s donor-advised fund.
For gifts of privately held business interests & real estate in excess of $5,000, donors must
obtain a third-party appraisal by a qualified appraiser to substantiate fair market value for
the charitable deduction. Appraisals must be obtained no earlier than 60 days before the
date of donation and no later than the due date of the donor’s tax return
(including extensions) for the year of the gift. The cost of the appraisal cannot be paid by
the DAF. NOTE: Donations of S-Corporation stock are subject to a 21% unrelated business
income tax (UBIT) on the dollar amount received from the sale. Such donations are accepted
to the UI Charitable Trust, then once the business sells, the funds are transferred to the
individual’s donor-advised fund. By doing this, UBIT can be reduced by up to 30%.
However, UI will hold the full 21% tax in the trust until UBIT is paid, at which point the
remaining funds will be transferred to the individual’s donor-advised fund.

Impact and International Charity Due Diligence

Impact and International Charity Due Diligence

Impact and International Charity Due Diligence

Donors are able to fund their UI DAF with many types of assets including private business interests and real estate. This is accomplished through a gift or transfer agreement.

Donors are able to fund their UI DAF with many types of assets including private business interests and real estate. This is accomplished through a gift or transfer agreement.

Donors are able to fund their UI DAF with many types of assets including private business interests and real estate. This is accomplished through a gift or transfer agreement.

Diligence For Grants, Loan, & Equity

Impact & Charitable Due Diligence Fee

1.5% ($1,500 Minimum)

Diligence is required for all charitable and impact-focused funding from a UI DAF or other charitable giving product
directed to international charities, U.S. charities without 501(c)(3) status, and for-profit impact-focused
organizations that would receive grants, recoverable grants, or an impact investment.

A discounted due diligence fee may occur if UI Charitable Advisors has recently completed due diligence on the
same organization.
Diligence is required for all charitable and impact-focused funding from a UI DAF
or other charitable giving product directed to international charities, U.S. charities
without 501(c)(3) status, and for-profit impact-focused organizations that would
receive grants, recoverable grants, or an impact investment.

A discounted due diligence fee may occur if UI Charitable Advisors has recently
completed due diligence on the
same organization.

Other Impact Funding Services:

Pricing quote available upon request for the below services conducted by the
UI Charitable Advisors Impact Solutions Group

Category & Organization Research

Research & report delivery of an impact

area(s), organization(s), and/or both

based on a defined purpose and scope.

Portfolio Impact Measurement


Creation of a curated Impact Report

based on a defined scope of


Program Measurement &


In-depth support of an organization or a

portfolio of organizations measurement

and evaluation of their organizational


Alternative Investments

The UI DAF allows for unique private investments such as a venture capital or private equity funds, issuing loans, etc.

These alternative investments are managed by UI Charitable Advisors and not financial intermediaries. All alternative
investments must be reviewed and approved by University Impact and must align with its investment policy

The UI DAF allows for unique private investments such as a venture capital

or private equity funds, issuing loans, etc. These alternative investments are

managed by UI Charitable Advisors and not financial intermediaries. All alternative
investments must be reviewed and approved by University Impact and must align

with its investment policy

One-time & Ongoing Fees Alternative


One-time Alt-Investment

Diligence Fee

Quoted individually based on complexity

(generally $5,000-$10,000, will not

exceed $10,000)

Annual Management Fee

(only applies to UI-managed

alternative investments)


For alternative investments that qualify as an impact investment, due diligence

fees and minimums apply.

(385) 286-5900

3507 N University Ave
Suite 125
Provo, UT 84604

©2020-2024 UI Ventures LLC, DBA UI Charitable Advisors. All Rights Reserved.
Portions © 2018-2024 University Impact. All rights reserved.
University Impact is recognized as a tax-exempt public charity as described in Sections
501(c)(3), 509(a)(1), and 170(b)(1)(A)(vi) of the Internal Revenue Code. EIN # 82-1504018

(385) 286-5900

3507 N University Ave
Suite 125
Provo, UT 84604

©2020-2024 UI Ventures LLC, DBA UI Charitable Advisors. All Rights Reserved.
Portions © 2018-2024 University Impact. All rights reserved.
University Impact is recognized as a tax-exempt public charity as described in Sections
501(c)(3), 509(a)(1), and 170(b)(1)(A)(vi) of the Internal Revenue Code. EIN # 82-1504018

Account Minimums

Initial Contribution

Additional Contributions

No Minimum

No Minimum

Grant Minimums

Number of Grants Per Year


Minimum Grant Amount To Standard US

Charities or Listed UI Global Charity Database



Minimum Grant Amount To Non-US

Non-Listed UI Global Charity Database



Annual Administration


Annual Fee - Charged Quarterly

First $500k-0.60% or $500*
(*whichever is greater)

Next $500k- 0.35%

Next $1.5m- 0.20%

Next $2.5m- 0.15%

Next $5m- 0.12%

Next $15m- 0.10%

$30m + - 0.10%

UI Charitable Advisors requires
donors to keep at least 1% of their
UI DAF’s total AUM liquid at all
times. If a donor fails to meet this
requirement, the quarterly fee
invoice will be sent directly to the

Complex Asset Donations

One Time Fees

One-time Due Diligence Fee

Quoted individually based on
complexity (generally $5,000-
$10,000, will not exceed $10,000)

Expedited Fee (less than

5 Business Days)


UI Charitable Advisors’ process for all
complex asset donations includes
the following:
●  Review the governance documents of all
involved entities
○  Articles of Incorporation, Operating
Agreement, By-Laws, Property Deeds, etc.
○  Recent tax statements to review
unforeseen unrelated business income tax
●  Draft gift or transfer agreement
●  Oversee the review and execution of the
gift or transfer agreement
●  Oversee and assist in the third-party appraisal
○  Make introductions to appraisal partners
○  Serve as point of contact throughout
appraisal process
○  Help complete and sign IRS form 8283 (to
be filed with donor’s taxes)
●  Review, approve, and execute sale

Diligence For Grants,

Loan, & Equity

Impact & Charitable Due

Diligence Fee

1.5% (1,500 Min.)

Diligence is required for all charitable
and impact-focused funding from a UI
DAF or other charitable giving product
directed to international charities, U.S.
charities without 501(c)(3) status, and
for-profit impact-focused organizations
that would receive grants, recoverable
grants, or an impact investment.

A discounted due diligence fee may occur
if UI Charitable Advisors has recently
completed due diligence on the
same organization.

Other Impact

Funding Services:

Pricing quote available upon request for

the below services conducted by the
UI Charitable Advisors Impact Solutions


Category & Organization Research

Research & report delivery of an impact

area(s), organization(s), and/or both

based on a defined purpose and scope.

Portfolio Impact Measurement


Creation of a curated Impact Report

based on a defined scope of


Program Measurement &


In-depth support of an organization or a

portfolio of organizations measurement

and evaluation of their organizational


Alternative Investments

The UI DAF allows for unique private investments

such as a venture capital or private equity funds,

issuing loans, etc. These alternative investments

are managed by UI Charitable Advisors and not

financial intermediaries. All alternative investments

must be reviewed and approved by University Impact

and must align with its investment policy

One-time & Ongoing

Fees Alternative


One-time Alt-Investment

Diligence Fee

Quoted individually based on complexity

(generally $5,000-$10,000, will not

exceed $10,000)

Annual Management Fee

(only applies to UI-managed

alternative investments)


For alternative investments that qualify as

an impact investment, due diligence

fees and minimums apply.